Friday, April 6, 2012

[MySQL]Reset the root password

For users of the powerful database MySQL, access, as well as right to modify the admin (root) password is important, because both are required when installing and in situations when the master password is lost. The user must be connected to the root password to modify it but for reinitialising the password, this process can be skipped. Resetting the password is possible after connection to theMySQL database with the help of specific commands. In case the password is lost, then it is also possible to get access to the MySQL server through a bypass of the authentication process. To reset the password under the latter condition, the server must be restarted to continue the process.

It's important that you are able to access and modify the admin (root) password of MYSQL, either when installing MySQL for the first time or in situations where the master password is lost.

The root password is lost

To modify the existing root password, you must firstly be connected to it. If you know the root password and just want to reinitialize it, you can skip this part. If you don't have the root password then follow the steps below:
  • Stop the MySQL server
    • #/etc/init.d/mysql stop

  • Restart MySQL, disabling network communication and skipping the authentication procedure

    • #mysqld --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &

Resetting the password

  • Get connected to the MySQL system database:

    • # mysql mysql -u root

  • Type in the following command and reset your password:

    • UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('newpassword') WHERE user="root";

  • If you didn't go through the first step, to validate the changes simply type:


  • If you started MySQL manually (bypassing the authentication process), the server must be restarted:

    • #/etc/init.d/mysql restart

Warning: Changing your password can cause connection problems between phpmyadmin and mysql.

PhpMyAdmin - Access denied for user root@localhost


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